Sunday, February 04, 2007

Up and Downs

I woke up to see one of my complexity submissions accepted. But soon the other two were rejected. Then the Bears lost.

The list of accepted papers for Computational Complexity has been posted. See you all in San Diego.


  1. So many accepted papers begin with 'On...' -- a coincidence?

  2. Favorite paper title: "On C-Degrees, H-Degrees and T-Degrees".

  3. You may admit that it's hard for a nonnative speaker to come up with a title that is funny, informative, and politcally correct at the same time, in fact, this appears to be hard for many native speakers, too. For the paper on the various degrees the generic title is a reasonable choice because it the article contains various results on these degrees but the picture as a whole is not yet coherent.

  4. Condolences on the Bears' loss... :-(

  5. it's hard for a nonnative speaker to come up with a title that is funny,

    I can't see any reason why titles of scientific papers should be funny.

  6. Anonymous said ... I can't see any reason why titles of scientific papers should be funny.

    A new genre of tautology is born! :)

    Anonymous said ... I can't be bothered to stay current with the literature.

  7. Maybe it is time to become a NY Giants fan again, Lance. Peyton has shown the way for brother Eli -it is only a matter of time.
