Sunday, October 20, 2024

Contrast an Episode of Columbo with the recent Nobel Prizes

 I quote Lance's blog post (here) about Computing and the Nobels

a) On Wednesday October 9th half of the Chemistry Nobel was awarded to computer scientists Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for the protein-folding prediction algorithm AlphaFold, which I (Lance) consider the most impressive and game-changing application of machine learning.

b) The day before John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton were awarded the Physics Nobel for the development of neural nets that lead to AlphaFold, Large-Language models, and so much more.

Bottom line: The Nobel Prize in CHEM and PHYSICS went to COMPUTER SCIENTISTS. That's probably not quite right since I am sure that the people involved KNEW lots of Chemistry and Physics. 

In Feb 10, 1974 there was an episode of Columbo called Mind Over Mayhem (see here for a summary) where one of the plot threads was the following: 

a) Carl Finch, a great scientist, dies (of natural causes) and in his files is a ground breaking theory of molecular matter.

b) Neil Cahill who was working with Finch as a computer programmer knows about the file and codes up stuff in it and claims the work as his own.   He is initially not caught and he wins the Scientist of the Year Award. 

c) I won't get into who gets murdered or how Columbo catches them.(Has anyone in the real world been murdered because of an academic dispute?)

When I first saw it I had two thoughts:

1) If Neil had claimed co-authorship that would be more honest and hence would not need to be covered up or lead to murder. AND Neil would STILL get credit

2) More important for now: a computer programmer who coded up stuff was considered NOT part of the research in 1974. And now? Well the description of what the Nobel's did seems far more impressive than what Neil Cahill did, though since Neil Cahill is fictional it's hard to say. 

The question of  how much credit should a programmer on a project get? was unintentionally raised way back in 1974. And now? I have not seen ANY objection to computer scientists winning Nobel Prizes in Chem and Physics so the question seems to not be controversial. I agree with this though I am surprised by the lack of controversy. I also note that I used the term Programmer which is not accurate. They were computer scientists. Having said that, programmers also deserve credit. How much is hard to say. The distinction between computer scientists and programmers is also hard to say. But if programmers were considered part of the research in 1974, a fictional murder could have been prevented. 

(ADDED LATER: Lance saw this post after I posted it and emailed me a link to an article that DID hae some objections to giving a Nobel Prize for AI work. I disagree with the objections, but in the interest of being giving intelligent opposing viewpoints,   the link is here.) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Computing and the Nobels

Herb Simon

Herbert Simon while a political scientist in the 1940s at my institution, the Illinois Institute of Technology, developed the theory of bounded rationality, realizing that people did not always make the most rational decisions because of lack of information and limited cognitive ability. After Illinois Tech, Herb Simon moved to the Carnegie Institute of Technology and in the 1960s helped found its Computer Science Department, later the Carnegie-Mellon School of Computer Science. With his colleagues at Carnegie he applied his principles to artificial intelligence with Allen Newell and J. C. Shaw leading to an ACM Turing Award in 1975. Bounded rationality would help him win the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978.

Computing would go on to play an important role in nearly all scientific research. Most notably in 2013, biochemists Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work using computers to model large molecules and simulate chemical reactions. Their entire research was done on computers, not in the lab. But no other computer scientist would win a Nobel Prize for the next 45 years. 

Demis Hassabis

That all changed last week. On Wednesday October 9th half of the Chemistry Nobel was awarded to computer scientists Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for the protein-folding prediction algorithm AlphaFold, which I consider the most impressive and game-changing application of machine learning. 

The day before John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton were awarded the Physics Nobel for the development of neural nets that led to AlphaFold, large-language models and so much more. Hinton with his 2018 Turing Award became only the second person, after Herb Simon, to win both prizes.

Is it physics? One podcast tried to answer this question.

Geoffrey Hinton
First of all, [Hopfield's] analogy to spin glasses is a use of a physical model. Certainly, information cannot exist in the absence of matter or energy. So ultimately, information science reduces to matter and energy as much as it reduces to mathematics. And thirdly, Nobel’s will was written in the 1890s. The first prize was awarded in 1901. Things have moved on since then. So the will prescribes physics, chemistry and physiology or medicine as the three science prizes and sometimes various Nobel committees are criticised for being a bit narrow. I think this shows. A certain creativity on the part of the academy to include a very up to date and very important field in physics by a little bit of creative accounting.

As a theorist who deals with information and computation, I disagree that these can only exist with matter and energy. The set of primes, for example, cannot fit into our finite universe.

But the third point is the most important. Nobel's will predates Turing and the development of computation as a new field. The importance of computing and artificial intelligence has take on such an importance that the Nobel Prize committees felt they needed to honor it, even if it means broadening the categories and encompassing computer science as a part of physics.

What does this mean for the Turing Award, now that computer scientists seem more eligible for Nobel prizes? I'll leave that as a open question for now.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Desc comp, Constant Round Sorting, Division Breakthrough, Derandomization.

came across (by accident) the link to all of the BEATCS complexity columns from 1987 to the 2016. See HERE. (If you know a link to a more recent webpage then email me or make a comment. There is a link to all of the issues of BEATCS here; however, I want a page with just the complexity  theory columns.)

This gave me a trip down memory lane and a series of blog posts: Briefly describe an  articles and also get commentary from the original authors on what they think now about the area now.

I did the first in this series, on two articles by Eric Allender, here. Today is the second: articles by Neil Immerman, Gasarch-Golub-Kruskal, Eric Allender (again!), and Valentine Kabanets.

67) Progress in Descriptive Complexity by Neil Immerman,  1999.We usually think of P, NP, and other classes in terms of TIME or SPACE. Descriptive complexity is about defining complexity classes in terms of how they can be described in a logical language. (For reviews of three books on this topic, including Neil Immerman's, see here.) I asked Neil Immerman to comment on the state of Descriptive Complexity now and he said:

Currently the two most promising and exciting areas of progress in Descriptive Complexity are, in my opinion,
  • Graph Neural Nets:  see Martin Grohe, "The Descriptive Complexity of Graph Neural Networks'', (see here);    and
  • Graph Isomorphism: see Martin Grohe,  Descriptive Complexity, Canonisation, and Definable Graph Structure Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2017, and Anuj Dawar, "The Nature and Power of Fixed-Point Logic with Counting", ACM SIGLOG News, Jan. 2015, Vol. 2, No. 1.


72) A Survey of Constant Round Sorting by Bill Gasarch,  Evan Golub and Clyde Kruskal in 2000.  The model of computation is that in each round one could do lots of comparisons. Transitive closure was considered free, so the model was not practical and didn't claim to be; however, lower bounds on this model implied lower bounds on more realistic models. I asked Bill Gasarch to  comment on the paper from the perspective of 2023 and he said:

I don't think the paper is out dated in terms of later results, though the model of parallelism used is not studied anymore. A survey on sorting on more realistic models would be a good idea and may actually exist.

74) The Division Breakthrough by Eric Allender, 2001. How complicated are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division?  The addition and subtraction algorithm that you learned in grade school is a log space algorithm (your teacher should have pointed that out to you). Multiplication is also in log space---that's an easy exercise. But what about division?  When Eric Allender was doing division in grade school he wondered can this be done in log space? This was open for quite some time, but was solved- Division is in Log Space- by Chui, Davida, Litow, in 2001 (actually done by Chui in his MS thesis in 1995 but not published until 2001. Fun Fact: Chui went to law school).  Log space is an upper bound, what about a lower bound? Hesse showed that Division is complete for DLOGTIME-uniform-TC^0.  What is needed is a complete write up of all of this in a uniform notation. Eric Allender has provided that! I asked Eric if there are more open problems in the area of complexity-of-arithmetic. He responded:

What complexity class best captures the complexity of GCD (computing the Greatest Common Divisor)?  GCD is hard for\( TC^0\) (proved in a paper I wrote with Mike Saks and Igor Shparlinski) but we have no upper bound better than P.  Similarly: What is the complexity of modular exponentiation (given x, y, and m, compute x^y mod m)?  Again, we have no upper bound better than P.  Modular exponentiation is an important subroutine in the polynomial-time algorithms for checking primality, and the lack of a better upper bound for this problem is one of the main reasons that we have no better upper bound for primality-checking than P.

...and while we're talking about the primes, let me mention that my SIGACT News article( see here) from early 2023 explains that I'm offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who can provide a modest improvement on the \(TC^0\)-hardness of primality-checking.  We currently only know a non-uniform \(AC^0\) reduction from MAJORITY to primality-checking.  I'm asking for a uniform \(AC^0\) reduction.

76) Derandomization: A Brief Survey by Valentine Kabanets, 2002. A very nice survey. Has there been progress since then? I asked Valentine and he said 

There have been new approaches to the BPP vs P question. See for example a recent survey by Chen and Tell 
New ways of studying the BPP = P conjecture (a survey)
ACM SIGACT News 2023


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Fall Jobs Post 2024

In the fall, I write a jobs post predicting the upcoming CS faculty job market and giving suggestions and links. In the spring I used to crowdsource a list of where everyone got jobs but have since outsourced the crowdsource to Grigory Yaroslavtsev. Let's start with a few announcements.

FOCS in Chicago will have a Graduating Bits on Sunday, October 27 from 12-2 PM. If you have job openings for postdocs and researchers the FOCS organizers are collecting them here, The CATCS also maintains a Theoretical Computer Science Jobs posting site. You are also free to add pointers to theory-related job listings as comments to this post. More generally in CS, there is the CRA Database of Job Candidates and the CRA and ACM job postings.

MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi is organizing a virtual theory jobs panel in November including yours truly. I'll post details here and on social media when it's finalized.

If you are a bit more senior, the Simons Institute is looking for a new director

Last year I suggested AI (which by the way just won two Nobel Prizes) wasn't dramatically affecting the CS faculty job market yet but

Many see programming, rightly or wrongly, as one of the first careers that AI will displace, which may reduce enrollment in the future, as offshoring fears drove CS enrollment down 20 years ago

It didn't take long. In two years we have gone from nearly all of our CS graduates getting jobs in the field to many of them struggling to get internships and jobs in the top companies if at all. If the past is any guide, a weak tech job market leads to fewer majors which leads to fewer slots for CS faculty. We'll start to see these trends this year and they will accelerate quickly if the tech jobs market doesn't recover.

Areas related to data such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Cybersecurity, will draw the most interest. Best if you can tie your research to those areas, or at least that you are open to teaching in them.

Have a well-designed website with all your job materials and links to your papers. Make sure your Google Scholar, LinkedIn and GitHub (if relevant) sites are accurate and up to date. Make a short video describing your research to a general CS crowd. Take advantage of all the links above. Network at FOCS if you can make it. And start early. 

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Emil Post Anticipated (more than anticipated) Godel and Turing

 (Thanks to James De Santis for pointing the article that inspired this post on Post. The article is pointed to in this post.)

What is Emil Post known for? I know of him for the following:

a) Post's Problem: Show that there is an r.e. set A that is strictly in between Decidable and Halt using Turing Reductions. He posed the problem in 1944. It was solved in 1956 by the priority method, simultaneously invented by Friedberg and Muchnik . (My students wondered who posted to the web first and if the other one could have seen it there.)

b) He invented Post Tag Systems, a natural problem that is undecidable. Or a model of computation. Depends on how you look at it.

c) The Kleene-Post Theorem which produces a set A that is strictly in between Decidable and Halt. It did not solve Post's Problem since A is not r.e. The proof used forcing and may have been the first or close to the first use of forcing. This was published in 1954.

In summary, I thought of Post as being a recursion theorist. 

 The more I read about Post the more I realize that calling him a recursion theorist is wrong but in an interesting way. Back in the 1950's  I am sure Emil Post was called a logician. The over-specialization that produces Recursion Theorists, Model Theorists, Set Theorists, Proof Theorist was about a decade away. In fact, people who worked in logic often also worked in other parts of math. (Post worked on Laplace Transforms. See The Post Inversion Formula as part of the Wikipedia entry on Laplace Transforms.)

I recently read the article, Emil Post and His Anticipation of Godel and Turing which shows that Post really did have some of the ideas of Godel and Turing at about the same time, and possibly before they did. I will discuss briefly what he did and why it is not better known; however, the article is worth reading for more on this.

What did Post Do? 

Part of Post's Thesis (1920) was showing that the Propositional Logic in Russell-Whitehead was consistent and complete. 

He tried to show that all of RW was consistent and complete. He got RW down to a normal form; however, he realized that rather than reducing the complexity he just localized it. In 1921 he noted the following (I quote the article).

a) Normal Systems can simulate any symbolic logic, indeed any mechanical system for proving theorems.

b) This means, however, that all such systems can be mechanically listed, and the diagonal argument  shows that the general problem of deciding whether a given theorem is produced by a given system is unsolvable.

c) It follows, in turn, that no consistent mechanical system can produce all theorems.

Wow- that sounds like the outline of a proof of Godel's Incompleteness theorem!

Why Didn't Post Publish This? 

 In 1921 Post suffered his first (of many) attacks of manic-depression. He was unable to get an academic job until 1935.  By the time he could have written a paper, his ideas were already known. Note that the items about Post I knew are all post-1940.

The Story is Interesting Because its Boring

There is no interesting conflicts between mathematicians in this story. No Newton vs Leibniz rap battle (see here) no plagiarism. Just bad timing and bad luck. So this story is not even worth  being exaggerated. 

But I find that interesting. Timing and Luck play a big role, perhaps bigger than is commonly thought.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Favorite Theorems: Gradient Descent

September Edition

Who thought the algorithm behind machine learning would have cool complexity implications?

John Fearnley, Paul Goldberg, Alexandros Hollender and Rahul Savani

Let's unpack these classes, subclasses of TFNP, where for every input we know there is an easily verifiable solution and we are looking at the complexity of finding it. PPAD is the class famous for having finding a Nash Equilibrium as a complete set, see this post for details.

PLS is the class of problems where we look for a local minimum. Finding a global minimum is NP-complete--think vertex cover. Finding a local minimum is often easier but still could be hard if you are optimizing over an exponential set of values.

CLS is a bit trickier to define, basically you are finding an approximate local minimum of a function mapping three real variables to one real value.

The authors show that gradient descent is complete for PPAD ∩ PLS even if you only use two input variables. Since gradient descent is in CLS, the equality follows. 

More in my 2021 post. On that post author Paul Goldberg commented

The paper is a fine example of the humorous stereotype of complexity theorists proving a problem "hard" when meanwhile the problem is being routinely solved in practice in the real world.

Nevertheless it's a neat complexity result and now officially one of my favorite theorems.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Progress on R(5). Will there be more?

 (I had a post a while back requesting people to submit open problems in Luca Trevisan's honor with deadline Oct 1. I am extending that to Oct 14, but that is a HARD deadline. See my original post which I have updated, here.)

And now back to our regularly scheduled program.


Breaking News: \(R(5) \le 46 \)

I know this since 46 people have emailed me this link here.

(ADDED) Recall that \(K_n\) is the complete graph on \(n\) vertices which consists of \(n\) vertices and every single pair of vertices has an edge.

Recall that R(5) is the least n such that 

For all 2-colorings of the edges of \(K_n\) there is a set of 5 vertices such that all of the edges between them are the same color.

Here is a history of what is known about R(5). It is not complete. 

Proofs of points 1 and 2 below are on my slides here.

1) Let R(a,b) be the least n such that 

For all 2-colorings of the edges of K_n there is either a RED K_a or a BLUE K_b.

Note that



It is well known that R(3,3)=6.

Is it well known that \( R(a,b) \le R(a,b-1) + R(a-1,b)  \).

From this one can derive \( R(5,5) = R(5) \le 70 \)

2) One can also show that if R(a,b-1) and R(a-1,b) are even then 

\( R(a,b) \le R(a-1,b) + R(a,b-1) -1 \).

From this one can derive \(R(5,5)=R(5)\le 62 \). 

3) In 1989 Exoo showed \(R(5) \ge 43 \). That is, Exoo gave a 2-coloring of \(K_{42}\) with no monochromatic \(K_5\). I was unable to find his paper online; however, there is a modern exposition of his paper here.

4) In 1997 McKay and Radzisowski showed \(R(5) \le 49\).  The paper is here. This used some clever math  and lots of computer time. This paper also has a more complete history of R(5) up to 1997 then I have in this post. (Radzisowski also has a dynamic survey of small Ramsey numbers here.)

5) In 2017 Angelveit and McKay showed \(R(5) \le 48 \). This used some clever math of  and lots of computer time. The paper is here. That is the arxiv version. The journal version is behind a paywall; however, if you want to reference it and need to know journal etc, the link is here.

6) In 2024 Angelveit and McKay showed \(R(5) \le 46 \). This used some clever math and and a big computer search. The paper is here. (ADDED LATER - they used Glucose, a SAT Solver.)


1) It is widely believed that R(5)=43. 

2) I have been asked if AI or SAT Solvers will help. I asked Radziowski and Angelveit and McKay and they all thought NO. There is just no way around ALL those possiblities. 

Lance: Getting 46 via an extensive computer search using "30 years of CPU time." Hard to believe AI and SAT Solvers won't play some role in future advances. 

Bill: Some problems are just really hard for SAT Solvers. Getting \(R(5)\le 45\) may take 3000 years of CPU time. So it may not be for a while or ever. 

Bill: How about a wager? If R(5) =43 is proven by 2040 then you win, otherwise I win.

Lance: Let's make it an exact value for R(5). "Widely believed" doesn't always mean "true". What do we win?

Bill: Bragging rights! And the loser buys dinner.

(ADDED LATER- A commenter left a comment which probably means they want to ask the following:

Commenter: Since SAT Solvers did play a role in the new result, why are you skeptical that they won't play a role in getting further improvements, and perhaps finding R(5)?

Bill: Even with SAT Solvers, it is taking more and more time. Do you want in on the bet? If so then email me privately. 


3) IF there is some clever math that will help a lot then an AI or a Human may find it. But I am skeptical this will happen.

4) I am surprised the bound went from 48 to 46 without a paper about 47. 

5) Has any nice math come out of trying to find R(5) (and other concrete values)? 

a) YES- the work on R(k) for large k has lead to nice math.

b) NO- the results above on R(5), and the math for other concrete values has largely been clever and computer work, but nothing that generalizes that much. 

6) One of the Anonymous commenters pointed this out: here

Thursday, September 26, 2024

LeetCode and AI

I often do LeetCode problems for fun. This site mainly provides short coding problems for students and others to train for the kinds of question that come up in technical job interviews. I use the site to keep up my programming skills and it often requires clever algorithms and data structures. The Daily Question is like a Wordle for recreational programmers. Try this problem which asks you to create a data structure for sets with insert, delete and get-random-element operations in expected constant amortized time.

I have to turn off GitHub Co-pilot, otherwise it will give you the solution before you even finish typing the function name. There are so many solutions to these problems out there and in the training sets for LLMs.

A student asked me last week why he should do LeetCode problems if AI can solve them all. I responded that doing the problems (and CS homework more importantly) give you the skills to understand code and algorithms and in your future jobs you'll encounter problems AI may not solve fully, or correctly, or efficiently and having those skills will allow you to solve those kinds of problems AI alone can't tackle.

But is this the right answer as AI continues to improve? Ideally we want to create students who transcend AI instead of being replaced by it. For that they need to fully understand programming and computing and be smart enough to know when and when not to outsource that skill to AI. That's the challenge for CS departments: teaching students how to use AI to make themselves better computer scientists without relying on it. It's a hard balance in a technology where we can't predict AI's capabilities at the time these students graduate.