Friday, December 12, 2008

Request for Grant Reviewers from NSF

(Guest post from Richard Beigel, NSF Program Director for Algorithmic Foundations)

In order that proposals from CDI PIs (See below for what the CDI grants are) get a fair and knowledgeable review it is important that we have experts available for all areas covered by CISE to serve on these panels. To make this happen it is important to have the CISE community volunteer in large numbers to serve as reviewers for CDI. There is a webform available at here for anyone who wants to volunteer to review CDI proposals.

Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) is NSF's bold five-year initiative to create revolutionary science and engineering research outcomes made possible by innovations and advances in computational thinking. Computational thinking is defined comprehensively to encompass computational concepts, methods, models, algorithms, and tools. Applied in challenging science and engineering research and education contexts, computational thinking promises a profound impact on the Nation's ability to generate and apply new knowledge. Collectively, CDI research outcomes are expected to produce paradigm shifts in our understanding of a wide range of science and engineering phenomena and socio-technical innovations that create new wealth and enhance the national quality of life.


  1. Collectively, CDI research outcomes are expected to produce paradigm shifts in our understanding of a wide range of science and engineering phenomena and socio-technical innovations that create new wealth and enhance the national quality of life.

    I have to say that this kind of hype is what turns me off from CDI, even though I agree with the basic sentiment.

  2. This is the true PARADIGM Shift

    Mathematics is Inconsistent

    "Bi-Polarism Theory" - Bi-Polar 2009

    Prof Rafee Kamouna's Research Results

    12-13 April, 2009, Irbid National University , Jordan

    Bi-Polarism theory has important claims (if they were true) of a wide scope:

    A. Foundations of Computer Science:

    1. "SAT is (NOT) NP-complete; HP is (NOT) c.e.-complete” - central to complexity and computability theories.

    2. Descriptive Complexity Theory fundamental results such as Fagin's theorem as well as Immermann-Vardi's are also over-turned.

    B. Foundations of Mathematics:

    1. Continuum Hypothesis = "False".

    2. Axiom of Choice = "False".

    C. Foundations of Physics:

    1. Reconciliation of Quantum Gravity & General Relativity.

    Coupled with the quantum interpretation of computing, a gravitational interpretation of computing is obtained where the expansion of the universe from the Big Bang to black holes is a computational process.

    2. The birth of Logical Physics.

    The above results *prove* that ZFC is inconsistent inducing percussions in all of mathematics and mathematical disciplines. Those results were reached after the discovery of "Two Fuzzy Logic Programming Paradoxes":

    [1]. FLP Paradox I Þ Bi-PolarComputation

    [2]. FLP Paradox II Þ Bi-PolarMathematics

    [3]. FLP Paradox II Þ Bi-PolarPhysics

    It is obvious that these results (if they were true) are of importance to a broad audience of computer scientists, mathematicians and physicists. Active researchers from all of the above disciplines are invited to submit papers to disprove the results. The antecedents of [1], [2] & [3] have to be settled with the Fuzzy Logic Programming (truth constants) research community, A PRIORI. Only then, the consequents (of [1], [2] & [3]) could be settled within the relevant research communities, A POSTERIORI. However, FLP is nothing but Universal Prolog.

    Important Dates:

    Submission Deadline: 20th February 2009.

    Notification Date: 20th March, 2009.

    Papers disproving the results/sceptics/stereotyping MUST be submitted first on the, together with a notification email to Prof Rafee Kamouna. Conference Program Committee will be announced later on the conference website: (under construction).

    All Enquiries To:

    Prof Rafee Kamouna,

    Computer Science Department,

    Faculty of Science & Information Technology,

    Irbid National University, Irbid,

    Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan .

    Tel: 00-962-795 38 1964


    Your enquiries maybe regarding:

    1. Submission.

    2. Peer-review process,

    3. Host Bi-Polar 2009-II, Bi-Polar 2009-III or Bi-Polar 2010.

    4. Artistic (musical) talents for the Francais/Anglais multi-lingual movie:

    "Fuzzy Logic".
