Friday, October 09, 2009

Complexity Vidcast 2

Bill and I battle it out over what should be taught in a complexity course in our new vidcast.


  1. For any Part X, X>2, can you consider a real mic -- the acoustics on this are not so pleasant. Thanks!

  2. hey lance and bill, this one was a nice attempt. but anon1 is write, the acoustics is real bad.

    anyhow, bill, it would be nice if you updated your picture on your site. it seems on ur site u are like 25 yrs old but here u appear "just a tiny" bit older.

  3. @anon2. That was harsh. Bill doesn't need to be reminded of how old he looks. If he has an existential crisis in the near future then you are responsible for it :P

    Also, get a better microphone.

  4. @anon3, I think anon2 is rite though. on his website, it appears as if he's a grad student or posdoc ... but here it seems as if he actually is a full time prof with experience and beard.
