Computational Complexity and other fun stuff in math and computer science from Lance Fortnow and Bill Gasarch
Monday, November 25, 2024
We Will All Write Like AI
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
For what d is the following true: For all 2-colorings of has a mono unit square (Answering(?) the Question)
In my last post (see here) I invited you to work on the following question:
Find a
--There is a 2-coloring of
--For all 2-colorings of
Actually I should have phrased my question as What do we know about d?
Here is what we know
We need a result by Chvtal and Harary in this paper here.
Lemma: For all 2-colorings of the edges of
The proof appears both in their paper, here, and on slides I wrote here.
Stefan Burr used this to prove the following theorem.
Thm: For all 2-colorings of
The proof was appears (with credit given to Stefan Burr) in a paper by Erdos, Graham, Montgomery, Rothchild, Spencer, Straus, here, and on slides I wrote here.
Random Points
1) It is open what happens in
2) The proof for
3) An ill-defined open question: Find a proof that every 2-coloring of
Sunday, November 17, 2024
For what d is the following true: for all 2-colorings of there is a mono unit square (Asking the Question)
In this post I give a question for you to think about.
My next post will have the answer and the proof.
1) The following are known and I have a set of slides about it here
a) For all 2-colorings of
b) For all 3-colorings of
c) For all 4-colorings of
2) SO, lets look at other shapes
A unit square is square with all sides of length 1.
Given a coloring of
a) There is a 2-coloring of
b) What is the value of d such that
-- There is a 2-coloring of
-- For all 2-colorings of
My next post will tell you what is known about this problem.
Until then, you are invited to think about it and see what you can find out. Perhaps you will get a better result then what is known since you are untainted by conventional thinking. Perhaps not.
Feel free to leave comments. However, if you don't want any hints then do not read the comments.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Favorite Theorems: Learning from Natural Proofs
I had a tough choice for my final favorite theorem from the decade 2015-2024. Runners up include Pseudodeterministic Primes and Hardness of Partial MCSP. But instead in memory of the recently departed Steven Rudich, this month's favorite theorem shows how to learn circuit classes that have a natural proof of hardness.
In 1993, Linial, Mansour and Nisan showed that any function f computed by a constant-depth polynomial-size AND-OR-NOT circuits (AC0), has a quasipolynomial-time PAC learning algorithm that, after seeing a quasipolynomial number of uniformly randomly chosen inputs x and their value f(x), can with high probability predict f on other randomly chosen inputs. Their proof works by looking a the Fourier basis of f, showing that learning the low-degree coefficients gives a good approximation to f. Their paper was one of the first to apply Fourier transformations to computational complexity. Adam Klivans did a guest post on this paper back in 2004.
Now, suppose we allow unbounded parity gates to the circuit. The Fourier argument falls apart and learning such circuits remained open for over a quarter century until the Carmosino et al. paper. Their paper uses a different technique, building on the proof of the Nisan-Wigderson pseudorandom generator function. They show that if a circuit class has a natural proof of hardness, the constructivity and largeness properties of the natural proof can break a pseudorandom generator for that class, which can then be used to create a learning algorithm.
The authors then applied the Razborov and Rudich naturalization of Razborov and Smolensky's lower bounds for AC0 with parity gates to get a quasipolynomial learning algorithm for that circuit class.
Monday, November 11, 2024
Steven Rudich (1961-2024)
I started graduate school in 1985 at Berkeley and Steven was the unofficial student leader of the theory group when I arrived and I got a taste of his optimistic style before I moved to MIT the following summer. I'd see Rudich at various conferences and during visits to each other's institutions. I first learned about natural proofs from a talk he gave at the University of Chicago and we had many debates about its importance for years. Alas health issues took their toll and we lost one of the great researchers and personalities in our field.
Impagliazzo has been a friend and colleague of Steven's since they were both undergrads at Wesleyan and we asked him to write a guest post about Steven. Russell sent us a very honest and personal 7-page writeup. Too long for a blog post but I strongly recommend reading this powerful story. Also see Scott Aaronson's memories.
Thursday, November 07, 2024
Higher Education Under Trump
It feels eerie as pretty much everyone seemingly avoided talking about the election. But Trump back in the White House will likely have a profound effect on US Colleges and Universities. Trump is no fan of universities and his vice-president once proclaimed "the professors are the enemy".
While most US universities act outside of federal control, almost all of them take Federal funds in scholarships and grants and Trump could use that as a lever to push his policies.
Now Trump is always unpredictable and the courts could step in but here is what could happen.
International Students
I still remember Trump's ban on Iranians in the US and what it meant to our students and faculty at Georgia Tech. While that thankfully got blocked by the courts, who knows what will happen in this next administration.
International students at all levels in higher ed play a major role in increasing both the intellectual and financial strengths of universities. International Students, especially from some countries like China, may have a harder time coming to or staying in the US under a Trump administration or may have less desire to do so.
Student Loan Forgiveness
Title IX
Sunday, November 03, 2024
A new Mersenne Prime Has Been Found. When will we find the next one?
(Lance posted on the search for Mersenne primes in 2006 after a new one was discovered. I will comment on his post later. ADDED LATER- You Tube Video by Matt Parker on the new prime, here)
A Mersenne Prime is a prime of the form
New Mersenne primes were found in
1992 (so a 7 year gap)
2005 (wow, two in one year!)
2008 (wow, two in one year!)2009
2013 (so a 5 year gap)
2024 (so a 6 year gap)
When will the next one be? Possibilities:
a) The techniques that got us to the one in 2024 are NEW and will be USED to get us some new ones soon.
b) The techniques that got us to the one in 2024 were the old techniques on their last legs. A new idea is needed either from number theory, algorithms, or hardware. So we may not find one for a while.
I do not know which of (a) or (b) is closer to the truth. It may be hard to tell.
There are two obstacles for making progress on numbers like this.
a) Technology, math, etc.
b) Sociology. Do enough people care about finding these numbers?
AND these two obstacles can interact to give you either
a) a death spiral: the problem is to hard so people don't want to work on it, and people don't want to work on it because the problem is to hard or
b) a live spiral: a breakthrough was made so lets all now really go for it!
I do not know how Mersenne primes do in this context.
In 2006 Lance's post raised the question Why Do We Care About Finding Large Primes?
a) We don't. Not that many people are working on this.
b) The actual primes aren't that interesting, but the techniques used to find them might be.
c) Why do people climb mountains?
Because they like getting frostbite!
Better off finding primes which you can do without risking life and limb.
d) As someone who has worked on proving primes infinite using Ramsey Theory I am reluctant to tell someone else that there work is not worthwhile. I blogged on using Ramsey Theory to Proof the number of primes is infinite here.
e) I leave the following as an open problem: Compare and contrast value and interest in finding the following:
Large Merseene Prime
Largest non-Mersenne Prime. Mersenne primes are easier to find, so most known large primes are Mersenne. Finding large non-Mersenne primes has been looked at, see here, but not much.
The Busy Beaver Function . Scott did a post on the new breakthrough here.
Small Universal Turing Machines. I did a blog post on that here. There is a cash prize for it!
Ramsey Numbers, in particular R(5). I did a blog post on the new breakthrough here.