Thursday, April 09, 2015

FCRC 2015

Every four years the Association for Computing Machinery organizes a Federated Computing Research Conference consisting of several co-located conferences and some joint events. This year's event will be held June 13-20 in Portland, Oregon and includes Michael Stonebraker's Turing award lecture. There is a single registration site for all conferences (early deadline May 18th) and I recommend booking hotels early and definitely before the May 16th cutoff.

Theoretical computer science is well represented.
The CRA-W is organizing mentoring workshops for early career and mid-career faculty and faculty supervising undergraduate research.

A number of other major conferences will also be part of FCRC including HPDC, ISCA, PLDI and SIGMETRICS. There are many algorithmic challenges in all these areas and FCRC really gives you an opportunity to sit in talks outside your comfort zone. You might be surprised in what you see.

See you in Portland!


  1. You are linking to last year's EC workshops and tutorials. The ones from this year are here:

  2. Another event that will be of interest to some is NetEcon 2015: which is officially a Sigmetrics workshop (although also has affiliation with EC). We've got a pretty great line-up of invited speakers (and the deadline for submission is coming up!)

  3. I wonder how many STOC participants are booking their hotel rooms, before there is any announcement about workshops and tutorials. (Notification supposedly went out on March 30...)

  4. STOC 2015 workshop/tutorial page is up.
