Wednesday, November 01, 2006

FCRC Deadlines

The 2007 Federated Computing Research Conference will bring together a large number computer science conferences for one meeting June 8-16 in San Diego. Here is a run down of the FCRC theory-related conferences with submission deadlines and links to their call-for-papers.
  • STOC, November 20. Undergraduate Research Competition, February 23.
  • EC (Electronic Commerce), Abstracts, November 30. Full Papers, December 7. Tutorial and Workshop Proposals, January 5.
  • Computational Complexity, December 3.
  • SPAA (Parallel Algorithms and Architectures), December 18. Brief Annoucements, January 8.
  • COLT (Learning Theory), January 16. Open Problems, February 15.
Meanwhile not at FCRC
  • Computational Geometry, Titles and Abstracts, November 22. Papers, December 4. Video, February 15. Conference, June 6-8 in South Korea.
  • TARK (Rationality and Knowledge), January 30. Conference, June 20-22 in Belgium.
  • ICALP, January 25. Workshop Proposals, November 30. Conference, July 9-13 in Poland.
  • LICS (Logic in CS), Titles and Abstracts, January 15. Papers, January 22. Conference co-located with ICALP, July 10-14 in Poland.


  1. What about PODC?

    Abstracts, February 12.
    Full Papers, February 19.
    Brief Announcements, May 4.
    Posters and Demos, May 14.

    Conference, August 12-15, Portland.

  2. Thanks for posting, it's useful to have these things in one place.

  3. Whay are "Computational Complexity" and "Computational Geometry" (literally) half a world apart? A conjoined meeting would make a lot of sense IMHO.
