Monday, November 11, 2024

Steven Rudich (1961-2024)

Complexity theorist Steven Rudich passed away on October 29 at the age of 63. His works on Natural Proofs and Program Obfuscation were both highly influential. Russell Impagliazzo had a great result with him on showing that one-way permutations alone isn't enough to get secret key-exchange.

I started graduate school in 1985 at Berkeley and Steven was the unofficial student leader of the theory group when I arrived and I got a taste of his optimistic style before I moved to MIT the following summer. I'd see Rudich at various conferences and during visits to each other's institutions. I first learned about natural proofs from a talk he gave at the University of  Chicago and we had many debates about its importance for years. Alas health issues took their toll and we lost one of the great researchers and personalities in our field.

Impagliazzo has been a friend and colleague of Steven's since they were both undergrads at Wesleyan and we asked him to write a guest post about Steven. Russell sent us a very honest and personal 7-page writeup. Too long for a blog post but I strongly recommend reading this powerful story. Also see Scott Aaronson's memories.


  1. Russell's write-up is very moving, RIP

  2. Very strong and personal write up by Russell. People unfamiliar with the person would not have accepted so many ups and downs for a U.S. born and based academic. V sorry to hear about last years distancing. Sometimes I feel people in our industry don’t have people skills to truly accommodate for rare cases like these.
