Thursday, May 07, 2009

New York THEORY DAY 2009

Dear Organizers of IBM Research|NYU|Columbia Theory Day,

You emailed me the ad for Spring 2009 Theory Day. THANKS!
You did this about a week ago. Hence, as is often the
case this is too much short notice to go.
Please announce it earlier in the future.

Also, I could not find on your website a pointer to the
abstracts of this years talks (If I missed it then please
let me know.  Other readers, also let me know.)

And lastly, your page on Recent and Upcoming Theory Days
should be retitled
Theory Days from 2003-2007 or be updated.

                                        bill gasarch

P.S. The talks look AWESOME!

                 The IBM Research|NYU|Columbia Theory Day
                         Friday, May 22, 2009

The Theory Day will be held at the Davis auditorium,
412 Schapiro (CEPSR) building, Columbia University, New York.


9:30   - 10:00    Coffee and bagels

10:00  - 10:55    Dr. Dana Moshkovitz (IAS)
                  Two Query PCP with Sub-Constant Error

10:55  - 11:05    Short break

11:05  - 12:00    Dr. Craig Gentry (IBM Research)
                  Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Ideal Lattices

12:00  -  2:00    Lunch break

 2:00  -  2:55    Dr. Mark Braverman (Microsoft Research)
                  Approximating bounded depth circuits with polynomials

 2:55  -  3:15    Coffee break

 3:15  -  4:10    Dr. Muthu Muthukrishnan 
                  (Google Labs and Rugers University)
                  3 Problems in Internet Ad Systems

For directions, please see DIRECTIONS

To subscribe to their mailing list, follow instructions at HERE

Yevgeniy Dodis
Rocco Servedio
Tal Rabin
Baruch Schieber


  1. Hi Bill,

    That's a bit of a snarky post -- do we need to disinvite you from Theory Day? :) Seriously, thanks for the nudge; the web page has been updated.

    We're sorry you won't be able to make this Theory Day. You will be missed.

    -- Rocco

  2. Bill,

    Can you please change Muthu's affiliation to "Google Labs and Rutgers University"?

    Sorry for distributing this so late, won't happen again.


  3. Rocco: I'll miss you too!

    Zaumka: I made the update

    bill g.

  4. 3 weeks is too short notice?!

    With 5 weeks you would have come???

  5. Abstracts can be found here:
