Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Knuth Prize for 2009: David Johnson

Dave Johnson Won the KNUTH PRIZE for 2009: click here

I can't add much to the article linked to except to say that it is well deserved.

The Wikipedia entry on the Knuth Prize does not list him yet (March 2, 2010, 4:15PM East Coast Time in America). I wonder how fast it will get updated?


  1. 9 minutes from your published time-stamp?

  2. I was adding it and when I pressed "save" was told the page had been changed while I was editing it. This was at 4:35pm Eastern Time today.

  3. what's the algorithm for when they decide to award one of these? the years do not suggest a pattern.

  4. The Knuth Prize is supposed to be every 18 months so that the award presentations will alternate between STOC and FOCS. However, for logistical reasons, sometimes the presentations get put off to the next conference.

  5. BTW: We are in 2010 so the Wikipedia entry is incorrect.

  6. David Johnson goes by Dave? Really?

  7. It was edited at "21:35, 2 March 2010". I think this is 4:35 pm Eastern Time, i.e. 20 minutes after the time stamp in your post.

  8. @Anon-in-2010: if you read the press release, you'll find that "SIGACT will present its 2009 Knuth Prize to David S. Johnson of AT&T Labs for his contributions to theoretical and experimental analysis of algorithms."

  9. Rather than wonder when others will update the entry, why not add the information yourself?
