Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm honored to have been elected as the new chair of SIGACT, the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory. The rest of the executive committee (as of July 1) will be Cynthia Dwork, Anna Lysyanskaya, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mike Saks and Richard Ladner as previous chair. I look forward to working with all of them. 

A fond goodbye and thanks to those leaving the committee: Richard Cole, Joan Feigenbaum, Éva Tardos and Hal Gabow. We will have a difficult act to follow.

SIGACT has a small number of formal responsibilities: Running the STOC conference, co-sponsoring and cooperating with several other conferences, handling prizes and awards, publishing SIGACT News and acting as the theory liaison to the ACM mostly in dealing with publications. But SIGACT plays a more important role, as the organization that addresses and protects the interests and needs of the theoretical computer science community, the whole community, not just those who come to our conferences regularly. 

So please let us know what issues you think are important to the theoretical computer science and how SIGACT can help address these needs. Feel free to contact me or any other member of the executive committee. SIGACT exists to serve you.


  1. Can you explain why there is such a big difference, between the STOC/FOCS registration fees for members and nonmembers, larger than the cost of membership? And yet membership is not included.

  2. Congratulations Lance.

    > Can you explain why there is such a
    > big difference, between the
    > STOC/FOCS registration fees for
    > members and nonmembers, larger than
    > the cost of membership?
    It's a math test: they only want those members who can correctly subtract two numbers.

  3. It is a minor issue, but right now it means that postdocs can pay $18 out of pocket, without possibility of getting reimbursed, or can pay a reimbursable $100 extra for the conference.

  4. ACM rules require us to give significant discounts to members. But we've kept SIGACT membership very affordable and this year every student registrant will become a SIGACT student member at no additional cost.

  5. How about a central webpage where people on the job market can list themselves with links to their application materials?

    I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to hire a postdoc for next year. Part of the problem is that I don't know who is out there.

  6. Congratulations to Prof. Lance Fortnow for being elected as the SIGACT chair and to other members of the executive committee of SIGACT.

  7. Congratulations.

    Rafee Kamouna.
