Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Springer Open Choice

First some administrative stuff. Posting will be light until the New Years. The comments feed is not working properly—Blogger is working on it. I deleted a spam comment from my spam post before I realized the comment was a joke. Sorry.

We just finished up an article for the Springer journal Theory of Computing Systems. If you go to the article's web page you'll see the paper is open access, you can download it from anywhere. How did that happen?

In the final stages of production, Springer offered us the opportunity to have our paper in their new Open Choice plan. For a fee we could have our paper downloadable with a license similar to that used by Creative Commons for non-commercial use.

That fee would be $3000, far too much than I'm willing to pay to let you download the paper from Springer when you can download a version from my home page for free.

But Springer has deals with some institutions, mostly Dutch, to offer Open Choice for all their papers. And one of my co-authors is Dutch. So enjoy!


  1. If you want people to remix your work shouldn't you provide the tex source?

  2. so the moral of this story is... work with a Dutch co-author?
