Sunday, June 27, 2021

Someone thinks I am a fine artist! Why?

A while back I got an  email asking me to submit to a Fine Arts Journal. Why me? Here are some possibilities:

1) They were impressed with my play: 

Sure he created the universe, but would he get Tenure? (see here) which did get into a play-writing contest and was performed (one of the actresses  scolded me since I took a slot from a real playwright).

2) They were impressed  with my Daria Fan Fiction (see the four entries here labelled as Daria Fan Fiction).

3) They were impressed with my play JFK: The Final chapter (see here). Unlikely since this was rejected by a play writing contest and is not well known (as opposed to my other works in the fine arts which are well known?)

4) They were impressed with my collection of satires of  Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan (here) .

5) They were impressed with some subset of (a) complexityblog, (b) Problems with a Point,  (c)  Mathematical Muffin Morsels, and (d) Bounded Queries in Recursion Theory. Or maybe just having 3 books on amazon is their threshold.  If it's complexityblog then Lance and I should co-author something for them.

6) It is a vanity-journal where you pay to  publish. So why email me who (a)  is not an artist, (b) is  not a fine artist, and most important (3) does not think of himself as a fine artist. The PRO of emailing me or people like me is they cast a wide net. The CON is--- there is no CON! It costs nothing to email me, and emailing me does not affect their credibility. That still raises the question of how they got my name.

7) Could it be a phishing? If I click on something in the email would they  get my credit card number? Their email begins Dear Professor not  Dear Professor Gasarch.   So they know I am a professor. Then again, I have known of ugrads who get emails that begin Dear Professor. (The emails to HS student Naveen and ugrad Nichole in the story I tell here were addressed to Dear Professor.) 

8) They mistook me for my parents who, in 1973,  put together an anthology of short stories titled Fiction:The Universal elements,  for a Freshman Comp course my mom taught, see here. I note that their book ranks around 18,000,000, so even that explanation is unlikely. Actually the rank changes a lot- it was 12,000,000 this morning. Still, not what one would call a best seller. It's fun to see what is doing better: Bounded Queries in Recursion Theory (currently at around rank 6.000.000)  or Fiction: The Universal Elements.

 If I ever get one of these emails from a History Journal I will submit my Satirical Ramsey Theory and the History of Pre-Christian England: An Example of Interdisciplinary Research (see here) just to see what happens- but  I will stop short of paying-to-publish. Or maybe I will pay-to-publish so that the next time I try to fool a class with it I can point to a seemingly real journal which has the article. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I went to the ``debate'' about Program Verif and the Lipton-Demillo-Perlis paper

On Thursday June 17 I went to (on zoom- does that need to be added anymore?)

A Debate on Program Correctness

There was no subtitle but it could have been:

Have the points made in Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs by DeMillo, Lipton, Perlis, survived the test of time ? (Spoiler Alert: Yes.)

I found out about it from the Lipton-Regan blog here

The debaters were Richard DeMillo and Richard Lipton and the moderator was Harry Lewis (Alan Perlis passed away in 1990).  Calling it a debate is not correct since DeMillo and Lipton (and Lewis) all agree. (DeMillo and Lipton even have the same first name!)  The DLP paper is in Harry Lewis's collection Ideas that created the future.  The event  should have been advertised as a discussion. However, it was a good discussion so this is not a complaint.

Here are some things that came out of the discussion.

1) The main topic was the 1979 DeMillo-Lipton-Perlis paper (see here) that gave arguments why Proofs of Program correctness could not work.

An all-to-brief summary of the DLP paper: Some researchers are trying to set up frameworks for doing proofs that programs are correct, analogous to the certainty  we get with a proof of a Theorem in Mathematics. But proofs in Mathematics are, in reality, NOT that rigorous. Often details are left out or left to the reader. This is fine for mathematics (more on that later) but unacceptable for programs which need rather precise and rigorous proofs.

How do theorems in mathematics really get verified? By having enough people look at them and make sure they match intuitions, what DLP call A Social Process.  (NOTE FROM BILL: Papers that are not important do not get looked at so there may well be errors.)

2) The notion of proving-programs-correct was very seductive; however, the people who were trying to do this had a blind spot about how the analogy of proving-programs-correct and proving-theorem-correct differ.  In particular, a program is rather complicated and even stating carefully what you want to prove is difficult. By contrast, for most math statements, what you want to prove is clear. Note also that a program has lots of code (far more now than when DLP was written) and so much can happen that you cannot account for.

3) The DLP paper had a large effect on the field of program verification.  Funding for it was reduced and students were discouraged from going into it.

4) When DLP appeared DeMillo and Lipton were pre-tenure. Hence it took lots of courage to publish it. Alan Perlis had tenure and had already won a Turing award.  This did give DeMillo and Lipton some cover; however, it still took courage.

5) How did the Program Verification  Community deal with the objections in DLP?  DeMillo said that he looked at a large set of papers in the field, and very few even mentioned DLP. He recommends reading the book Mechanizing Proof: Computing, Risk, and Trust by David McKenzie see here.

6) So how can we be more certain that programs are correct?

a) Testing.
b) Modularize and test. Fix errors. Modularize  and test. Fix errors...
c) Try to isolate side effects.
d) More testing.

Some point to Model Checking, which could be considered very sophisticated testing, but that's used to verify circuits and perhaps low-level code, not programs. Model checking is a success story and note that Ed Clark, E. Allen Emerson, and Joseph Sifakis shared a (well deserved) Turing award for this work. But see next note.

6.5) An audience member pointed out that Program Verification people have won several Turing Awards

Dijkstra 1972

Floyd 1978 

Hoare 1980

Pnueli 1996

(Are there more?) 

so the field is alive and healthy. DeMillo responded that prizes for academic research are a poor measure of  success. 

7) Can computers themselves help with proofs of correctness? That is the only hope; however, there are scaling problems.

8) When DLP was written a program with 100,000 lines of code was considered large. Now we have programs with millions of lines of code. And now we have more concurrency. So the lessons of the DLP paper are probably more relevant now then they were then.

9) Since Program Verification does not seem to be used, how come we don't have a Software crisis?

a) We do! The Q+A mechanism at the meeting was terrible. 
c) See the answer to question 6.

10) SPECS are a problem. Tony Hoare once gave a talk where he proves that a program sorted correctly and then pointed out that if the program just output 0,...0 that would have also satisfied the SPEC since all that was required was that the output be sorted, not the (overlooked!) requirement that it be the same numbers as the input. So one needs to be careful!

11) Despite being a leader in the field, Tony Hoare has come to see the limitations of the Proofing-programs-correct approach to Software Verification.  His paper An Axiomatic basis for Computer Programming (1969)  (which is also in Harry Lewis's collection Ideas that Created the Future).
Much later, commenting on the paper,  Hoare says the following:

Ten years ago, researchers into formal methods (and I was the most mistaken among them) predicted that the programming world would embrace with gratitude every assistance promised by formalization to solve the problems of reliability that arise when programs get large and more safety-critical. Programs have now got very large and very critical--well beyond the scale which can be comfortably tackled by formal methods. There have been many problems and failures, but these have nearly always been attributable to inadequate analysis of requirements or inadequate management control. It has turned out that the world just does not suffer significantly from the kind of problem that our research was originally intended to solve.'

12) Richard Lipton told a story where he showed that the program in question satisfied the SPEC, but the SPEC was a tautology that any program would satisfy.  Again, one needs to be careful!

13) The test of time: Verifying large scale programs does not seem to be common in industry. Is industrial adaptation a fair measure? 

14) Harry Lewis's  book Ideas that created the future collects up, edits, and comments on 46 important papers in Computer Science (I reviewed it in the issue of SIGACT News that is in your mailbox---I will blog about it at a later time.) There are several papers in it about program verification, including DLP, Hoare's paper, and three papers by Dijkstra.

a) When Harry discussed including DLP some people said `You're going to include that!  Its a polemic, not a paper!'

b) When Harry teaches a course from this book (it must be an awesome class!) and asks the students at the end which papers they learned the most from, the top two are an excerpt from Fred Brooks The Mythical Man Month (see my post on Brook's work here ) and DLP.

c) I am hoping that this is just one of 46 talks with authors of the papers in his book.  I look forward to his interview with Aristotle, Leibnitz, Boole, Turing, ...

Monday, June 21, 2021

Collusion Rings

Grigory Yaroslavtsev now maintains the Theory Jobs Spreadsheet, a crowd-sourced listing of where your favorite CS theorists have taken new positions. Read his blog post for more info.

Michael Littman wrote a CACM Viewpoint on collusion rings designed to tilt the odds into getting papers into conferences. See also this post by T. N. Vijaykumar. I started to write a post on the topic but couldn't get it going so I asked the AI algorithm GPT-3 to write a guest post. Here is its story.

I have been part of a collusion ring and I know how it feels. I was a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley, in the early 2000s when I first learned about the practice of “paper rings.” A paper ring is a group of researchers who agree to submit each other’s papers to conferences without disclosing this fact to the conference organizers. The idea is that if you have several submissions from the same conference, your chances of getting accepted are higher. The pressure to be part of such a ring can be immense. You are told that you need to publish or perish and that you need to get papers into top conferences. If you don’t play along, you will be left behind. I was lucky enough to have a mentor who warned me against being part of such rings. He told me that if I did not want my name on a paper, then I should not submit it to a conference. He also told me that if I did not want to be part of a paper ring, then I should not submit papers for others in the ring. He said that he would help me with my own research and that he would help me get my own papers into conferences. He was right: My own papers were accepted into conferences and they were published in journals.

I am now an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and I have been on the other side of this issue as well. In 2012, I was asked by an editor at a top computer science conference to review a paper submitted by one of my students. The student had been part of a paper ring and had submitted his own paper along with those submitted by his collaborators in the ring. The editor told me that he had rejected the student’s paper because it was too similar to other papers submitted by members of the ring. However, he wanted me to review it so that he could reconsider accepting it for publication if I recommended doing so.

What should I do? Should I tell him about the paper ring? Should I recommend accepting the paper? Should I tell him that there is no way he should accept it? Should I tell him that he should reject it but then publish it anyway? What would you do? I decided not to tell him about the paper ring and not to recommend accepting the paper for publication. Instead, I told him that he should reject it but then publish it anyway because this would send a strong message about what we expect from our students and what we think about such practices. The editor agreed with my decision and published the student’s paper along with two other papers submitted by members of the same paper ring.

The student received his PhD degree but did not get any credit for his work on these three papers because they were considered as part of his dissertation work when he defended his thesis later that year. In retrospect, I think that my decision was wrong because it allowed these students to continue their unethical behavior without any consequences for them or their advisors (who were also part of this ring). But at least in this case, there were no negative consequences for anyone involved in this incident except for these students who did not get credit for their work on these three papers because they were considered as part of their dissertation work when they defended their thesis later that year.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Benny Chor (1956-2021)

Benny Chor passed away on June 10, 2021. Luca Trevisan had a blog post on the news.

We present a guest post on Benny Chor's life and works by Oded Goldreich. The post has many refs to papers. They will appear at the end with pointers to them.

Benny Chor was born on December 23rd 1956  and grew-up in Tel-Aviv, Israel. He studied Mathematics in the Hebrew University, receiving a B.Sc. in 1980 and an M.Sc. in 1981. He then switched to studying Computer Science at MIT, and graduated in 1985 with a PhD thesis titled

 Two Issues in Public Key Cryptography -- RSA Bit Security and a New Knapsack Type System

which received an ACM Distinguished Dissertation award. After post-doctoral periods at MIT and Harvard, he took a faculty position at the Computer Science Department of the Technion (1987-2001), and then at Tel-Aviv University, where he served as the chairman of the department for two years. He died on June 10th 2021, from a terminal disease.

Although Benny was a very articulated and verbal person, I find it impossible to describe his personality in words. The point is that words cannot capture the experience of interacting with him, which was always sheer fun. Still, I guess I should say something personal as a close friend of his. So I will just mention that he lived happily with Metsada, whom he met in the summer of 1981, and that they lovingly raised three kids: Arnon, Omer and Aya. Actually, let me also mention his life-long close relationship with his brother, Kobi.

Focusing on his contributions to science, I will confine myself to the areas of cryptography and randomized computation. Still, let me mention that in the mid 1990s, Benny's research interests gradually shifted to computational biology, but I will not review his contributions to that area, since it is very remote from my own expertise.

In my opinion, Benny's most important contribution to cryptography is the fundamental
paper on Verifiable Secret Sharing [CGMA].  Loosely speaking, Verifiable Secret Sharing
is a method to share a secret so that any majority of share-holders may reconstruct the
secret, whereas no minority may do so, and still each share-holder can verify that the
share that they got is a valid one.  This primitive had a tremendous impact on the
development of secure multi-party protocols, and almost all subsequent works in this
area utilize it.

Additional research milestones of Benny, in the area of Cryptography, include the proof
of the existence of a ``hard-core'' in the RSA and Rabin functions [BCS, ACGS], the
introduction and design of Private Information Retrieval (PIR) schemes [CGKS] (as well
as their computational counterparts [CG97]), and the introduction and design of
Tracing Traitor schemes [CFNP].  Each of these works deserves more than the foregoing
brief mention, yet I'm not even mentioning other important works like [CK].

Turning to the area of Randomized Computation, Benny's contributions span diverse areas
ranging from the manipulation of randomness to the use of randomness in complexity theory
and distributed computing.  In particular, his work on weak sources of randomness [CG88]
identified min-entropy (of the source) as the key parameter for randomness extraction and
presented a simple two-source extractor.  Distilling an aspect of [ACGS], his work on
pairwise-independent sampling [CG89] demonstrates the general applicability of this method. His works in distributed computing include a randomized Byzantine Agreement protocol [CC] that beats the deterministic bound without using unproven assumptions.  Lastly, let me just mention a couple of his complexity-theoretic works: [BCGL, CCGHHRR].

Benny was a superb teacher and a devoted graduate student adviser.  It is tempting to try
listing the numerous educational projects that he initiated, and his former students, but
these lists will be too long and the risk of a crucial omissions is too high.  So let me
end by expressing the feeling of loss that is shared by many in our community,
which adds to my personal sorrow.

Oded and Benny

Benny with his family's namesake (Chor = Bull)

[ACGS] Werner Alexi, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Claus-Peter Schnorr:
RSA and Rabin Functions: Certain Parts are as Hard as the Whole.
SIAM J. Comput. 17(2): 194-209 (1988) LINK

[BCGL] Shai Ben-David, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby:
On the Theory of Average Case Complexity. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 44(2): 193-219 (1992) LINK

[BCS] Michael Ben-Or, Benny Chor, Adi Shamir: On the Cryptographic Security of Single RSA Bits STOC 1983: 421-430. LINK

[CCGHHRR] Richard Chang, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Juris Hartmanis, Johan HÃ¥stad, Desh Ranjan, Pankaj Rohatgi: The Random Oracle Hypothesis Is False.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 49(1): 24-39 (1994) LINK

[CC] Benny Chor, Brian A. Coan:
A Simple and Efficient Randomized Byzantine Agreement Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(6): 531-539 (1985) LINK

[CFNP] Benny Chor, Amos Fiat, Moni Naor, Benny Pinkas:
Tracing traitors. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 46(3): 893-910 (2000) LINK

[CG97] Benny Chor, Niv Gilboa:
Computationally Private Information Retrieval. STOC 1997: 304-313 LINK

[CG88] Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich:
Unbiased Bits from Sources of Weak Randomness and Probabilistic Communication Complexity.
SIAM J. Comput. 17(2): 230-261 (1988) LINK

[CG89] Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich:
On the power of two-point based sampling. J. Complex. 5(1): 96-106 (1989) LINK

[CGKS] Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Eyal Kushilevitz, Madhu Sudan:
Private Information Retrieval. J. ACM 45(6): 965-981 (1998) LINK

[CGMA] Benny Chor, Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali, Baruch Awerbuch:
Verifiable Secret Sharing and Achieving Simultaneity in the Presence of Faults.
FOCS 1985: 383-395. LINK

[CK] Benny Chor, Eyal Kushilevitz:
A Zero-One Law for Boolean Privacy.  STOC 1989: 62-72. LINK

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Future of Faculty Hiring

Faculty hiring in computer science is a process long due for an overhaul. The pandemic certainly changed some of the dynamics moving most of the interviews online and saving a ton of money and time. Will this be the start of a fresh approach to recruiting?

A typical search in the past few years had some schools flying in 30-40 candidates, typically costing over a $1000 each and a full-time job for a staff member during the search. We'd justify the expense as small compared to the millions we'd invest in a faculty member throughout their career, but it is generally the largest discretionary expense for a CS department. It also gives advantages to rich departments over others.

During the pandemic all those interviews moved online and worked reasonably well at virtually no additional cost. Also no need to scrounge around to find faculty willing to skip family meals to have dinner with the candidates. And if a faculty had a conflict with a candidate on the interview day, they could schedule on a different day. There really is no reason to have all the meetings on the same day.

With the pandemic mostly behind us, will we go back to in-person interviews moving forward. I suspect the airport interview, where you fly out 20 or so candidates to have hour long interviews in a hotel near an airport with a search committee for an administrative position, will be the first to go completely virtual. 

Even for regular faculty interviews, there will be great pressure to reduce the number of in-person visits, perhaps to just the top candidates, or just the ones who have offers--make the "second visit" the only visit. Richer departments may find the expense worthwhile to make a bigger impression on the candidates and that will only expand the advantage of wealthier universities.

Times like this are the perfect opportunity for CS leadership to come in and give some sanity to the hiring process but I'm not holding my breath.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

When do you use et al. as opposed to listing out the authors? First names? Middle initials? Jr?

 If I was refering to the paper with bibtex entry: 


  author    = {Jeffrey Bosboom and

               Spencer Congero and

               Erik D. Demaine and

               Martin L. Demaine and

               Jayson Lynch},

  title     = {Losing at Checkers is Hard},

  year      = {2018},

  note      = {\newline\url{}},


(The paper is here.)

I would write 

Bosboom et al.~\cite{BCDDL-2018} proved that trying to lose at checkers (perhaps you are playing a child and want to keep up their self-esteem, or a Wookie and don't want your arms to be torn off your shoulders   (see here),  or a Wookie child) is hard. 

Why did I use et al. ? Because it would be a pain to write out all of those names. 

How many names does it take to make you write et al. ? Are there exceptions? 

I have not seen any discussion of this point on the web. So here are my rules of thumb and some questions.(CORRECTION- a commenter points out that this IS discussed on the web. Even so, you can comment on my thoughts or give your thoughts or whatever you like.) 

1) If  there are 3 or more people than use et al. Exception: If the three are VERY WELL KNOWN as a triple. E.g., the double play was Tinker to Evers to Chance. Well, that would not really come up since in baseball nobody ever says the double play was Tinker et al.  More relevant examples:

Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman

Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest, also known as CLR

The more recent edition is

Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein. I have heard CLRS but I don't know if people WRITE all four names. 

Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz also usually mentions all three. 

2) If there is one name do not use et al.  unless that one person has a multiple personality disorder.

3) If there are 2 people it can be tricky and perhaps unfair. If the second one has a long name then I am tempted to use et al. For example

Lewis and Papadimitriou (If I mispelled Christos's name-- well- that's  the point!- to avoid spelling errors I want to use et al. )

Lampropoulos and Paraskevopoulou (the first one is UMCP new faculty!). After typing in the first name I would not be in the mood to type in the second. 

Similar if there are lots of accents in the name making it hard to type in LaTeX (though I have macros for some people like Erdos who come up a lot) then I might use et al. 

(ADDED LATER- some of the commenters object to my `rule' of leaving out the last name if its complicated. That is not really my rule- the point of this post was to get a discussion going about the issue, which I am happy to say has happened.) 


There are other issues along these lines: when to include the first name (when there is more than one person with that last name, e.g. Ryan Williams and Virginia  Vassilevska Williams), when to use middle initials (in the rare case where there is someone with the same first and last name- Michael  J. Fox added the J and uses it since there was an actor named Michael Fox.)

I will soon give a quote from a math paper that amused me, but first some context.  The problem of determining if a poly in n variables over Z has an integer solution is called E(n). By the solution to Hilbert's 10th problem we know that there exists n such that E(n) is undecidable. E(9) is undecidable, but the status of E(8) is unknown (as of May 2021) and has been since the early 1980's. 

Here is the quote (from here).

Can we replace 9 by a smaller number? It is believed so. In fact, A. Baker, Matiyasevich and J.Robinson  even conjectured that E(3) is undecidable over N.

Note that Baker and Robinson get their first initial but Matiyasevich does not.

I suspect that they use J. Robinson since there is another mathematician with last name Robinson: Rafael Robinson who was Julia's Robinson's husband (to my younger readers--- there was a time when a women who got married took her husband's last name). There is at least one other Math-Robinson: Robert W Robinson. I do not think he is closely related. 

Baker: I do not know of another mathematician named Baker. I tried Google, but the Bakers  I found were   not in the right time frame. I also kept finding hits to an anecdote about Poincare and a man whose profession was a baker (see here though its later in that blog post). However, I suspect there was another mathematician named Baker which is why the author uses the first initial.  Its possible the author did not want to confuse Alan  Baker with Theodore Baker, one of the authors of Baker-Gill-Solovay that showed there were oracles that made P = NP and others that made P NE NP.  But somehow, that just doesn't seem right to me. I suspect there is only one mathematician with last name Matijsavic. 

Thomas Alva Edison named his son Thomas Alva Edison Jr.  This was a bad idea but not for reasons of authorship, see here.

Thursday, June 03, 2021

What happened to self-driving cars?

In 2014, I wrote a blog post about a fake company Elfdrive.

With a near record-setting investment announced last week, the self-driving car service Elfdrive is the hottest, most valuable technology start-up on the planet. It is also one of the most controversial.

The company, which has been the target of protests across Europe this week, has been accused of a reckless attitude toward safety, of price-gouging its customers, of putting existing cabbies out of work and of evading regulation. And it has been called trivial. In The New Yorker last year, George Packer huffed that Elfdrive typified Silicon Valley’s newfound focus on “solving all the problems of being 20 years old, with cash on hand.”

It is impossible to say whether Elfdrive is worth the $117 billion its investors believe it to be; like any start-up, it could fail. But for all its flaws, Elfdrive is anything but trivial. It could well transform transportation the way Amazon has altered shopping — by using slick, user-friendly software and mountains of data to completely reshape an existing market, ultimately making many modes of urban transportation cheaper, more flexible and more widely accessible to people across the income spectrum.

It was a spoof on Uber but now it looks more like Tesla, expect that Tesla's market value is over half a trillion, about six times larger than General Motors.

The post was really about self-driving cars which I thought at the time would be commonplace by 2020. We are mostly there but there are issues of silent communication between drivers or between a driver and a pedestrian on who goes first that's hard to duplicate for a self-driving car. There is the paradox that if we make a car that will always stop if someone runs in front of it, then some people will run in front of it.

There is also the man-bites-dog problem. Any person killed by a self-driving car will be a major news item while the person killed by a human-driven car while you've been reading this post will never be reported.

We'll get to self-driving cars eventually, it just won't be all at once. We're already have basically self-driving cars on highways and in many other roads as well. As the technology improves and people see that it's safe at some point people will say, "So why do we even need the steering wheel anymore?"