Bill: Let's wave to the audience. 
Lance: So Bill have you been enjoying the workshop?
Bill: I enjoyed the hike while you stayed here working on a BOGUS theorem.
Lance: I never do the hike. I enjoy the quietness of a nearly-empty Dagstuhl. Saw the castle, did some shopping.
Bill: We're miles from civilization, or kilometers I suppose in Germany.
Lance: A short drive to beautiful downtown Wadern.
Bill: I thought Wadern was too small to have a downtown.
Lance: Well its no Chicago but does have a central shopping area. I got some cool German pencils for the kids and chocolate for the rest.
Bill: Are you enjoying the talks you don't sleep through?
Lance: Don't talk so loud, you are waking me up. Yes the talks have (mostly) been quite good. And luckily not too many of them.
Bill: If I can understand the problem being worked on then I'm happy because I can always claim I read the paper later.
Lance: Then why do you stay awake for the last 30 minutes of each talk?
Bill: There is photographic evidence that I don't. By the way, do you realize we invented a new word yesterday, "TYPECAST".
Lance: I hate to break it to you but the word is already in the dictionary, first meaning "to cast (type)" which is exactly what we are doing.
Bill: Has the word typecast been used in this way as a contrast to podcast and vidcast?
Lance: Next topic. Let's leave the new words to the Optimizer.
Bill: Do you mean Scott Aaronson's new word "fourellated"?
Lance: Let's not forget his "algebrization". By the way people in this room are now arguing over the spelling of "fourellate". Let's move on please.
Bill: Let's get back to Dagstuhl. Name three talks that you like and one thing that you learned.
Lance: And have someone be angry I left them out? I learned not to rank talks.
Bill: I have no such fears, everyone is already angry at me :-) I like the Swastik Kopparty talk on 0-1 laws for Random Graphs with First-order Plus Parity, Anna Gal's talk on lower bounds on 3-query linear locally-decodable codes, and Arkadev Chattopadhyay's Linear Systems over Composite Moduli. These talks all had real result unlike yours.
Lance: Since when does it make sense to judge a paper by its theorems?
Bill: Since the DAWN OF TIME. Also I learned I can that I can beat Razborov in ping pong, at least with John Rogers help.
Lance: Let's wrap it up. You know we could typecast again using IM or Google Wave.
Bill: Once I join the modern age.
Lance: So until next June at Complexity, remember, in a complex world best to keep it simple.
From you dictionary link:
1. To cast in an acting role akin or natural to one's own personality or fitted to one's physical appearance.
double d = 3.14;
cout << (int)d;
I recommend for your typecasts. You can watch them live and play them back as they were typed.